Program Overview
Practice Teams
We have four teams and three practice levels: KOM, Future Stars, Northwest, and NNJ. Wrestlers are assigned to each practice group based on their experience, skill-level, age, and, at times, other factors. Coaches of each practice group discuss the most appropriate practice team for each wrestler, and during the season, wrestlers may move to different practice teams as we seek the best learning environment for each one. Most practices will be held at WMC high school field house wrestling room.

- KOM: Tuesday and Thursday, 5:30-6:30pm
- Future Stars: Tuesday and Thursday, 6:30-8pm
- Northwest/NNJ: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 5:30-7pm
Most of our first year wrestlers (3rd grade and under) start on our KOM team, where a very slow pace, basic wrestling instruction, and, frankly, sometimes chaos, characterizes the one-hour practice. An effort is made to introduce boys to the sport in as enjoyable a manner as possible at this level. Most of the wrestlers on this practice team are 3rd grade or younger, and the majority are 2nd grade or younger.
Some of our first-year, older wrestlers (for example, a first-year 4th grader or athletic first year 3rd grader) may be assigned to the KOM team if coaches feel that, socially, that will be the most enjoyable place for them, assuming they are athletically and emotionally comfortable with the skill level of that team.
The Future Stars, North West and NNJ practice tone is more serious, longer, and includes more advanced instruction at a faster pace. Wrestlers are expected to exhibit a reasonable degree of maturity, respect for the coaching staff, and, most importantly, a developed attention span. Despite those expectations, the atmosphere at Future Stars, North West and NNJ is still designed to make the experience fun for the boys. Most of the wrestlers on these teams have 2 or more years of experience in the Long Valley Wrestling Program.
Wrestlers on these teams commit to those teams and prioritize their schedules accordingly. A commitment to compete in matches and attend all practices is expected from wrestlers on our competitive teams.